


The sessions are held weekly once for an average duration of two hours.

Each session begins with a ‘math chat time’, followed by games based on the topics taught in earlier classes.

New topic is introduced systematically through appropriate activities and the children are encouraged to share their ideas.

Enough practice is given to enable the students to internalize the concepts.

The activity sheets given in the previous session are discussed and the students are encouraged to clear their doubts.

The activity sheets meant for the current session are introduced and given to the children.



On completion of three years of the program, we are happy to observe the following.

✯ Students were willing to learn and apply new and different methods.

✯ Exposure to real life math situations helped them see the connection between the learning and experience. This motivated the students to learn the subject with interest.

✯ Students were able to understand the ‘logical’ nature of mathematics. This helped them get rid of ‘rote learning’ and built their confidence.

✯ Spiral curriculum ensured revision of topics periodically and improved fluency of working.

✯ Students could sustain their attention and stay on task for nearly three hours.

✯ Visualization has helped build mathematical thinking.

✯ Regular interaction with parents helped them observe the progress of the child.