

One-to-one remediation for children with mild level of learning difficulties

This involves customized lesson plans and tutoring for each child for a minimum of two to three sessions a week (after school hours) for a sustained period of at least two years.

Children undergoing this remediation have mild to moderate level of learning difficulties and come from main stream schools.

This is preceded by a parent interview and screening for LD.

Pull-out program for children with moderate to severe levels of LD

Our pull -out program is for children at the primary school level (I to V std) where the level of difficulty is severe.

Children attend remedial classes at diksa, during school hours, on all days of the week, for at least two years. Remediation is child specific and intensive.

Progress of the child is closely monitored and term reports are given to the parents.

Once the child reaches grade level he goes back to the mainstream school. diksa continues to support the child with the remedial intervention in the evenings.